Winter Consultation Summary blog, Feb/March 2024
We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in our consultation events held in the past two months on the future of the Aylesham Centre. Our focus at this stage was hearing feedback on our emerging design principles, to contribute to our finalised proposals for the site.
Following on from our events and feedback summary blog last year, in January and February, we have held a series of events where members of the public have met with the team and shared their views on our work so far.

This engagement included:
- Three sessions with our Community Champions Panel. This is a diverse group of local people with a range of lived experiences, requirements, and support needs, and consists of six young people, five over-60s, three wheelchair users and ten people of Black/ Black African heritage. The CCP is working collaboratively with the design team to help shape the design approach on the project.
- Welcoming 180 attendees to our January and February 2024 pop-ups, drop-ins and older person’s tea and cake session.
- Three outreach meetings and workshops with young people from Damilola Taylor Centre (DTC) and St Luke’s /St George’s Church, older residents from Gove Vale Older Women’s Group to ensure these seldom heard voices have the opportunity to contribute.
- Regular Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning drop-in sessions at the Consultation Hub (Unit 15A in the Aylesham Centre)
- Two briefings with Morrisons staff members.

This engagement included:
- Height, building massing and the amount of affordable housing continue to be the key topics for many in the community.
- Everyone is clear on the importance of high-quality design for the new buildings.
- People support the proposed new public spaces and routes through the site.
- Discussions on how to make the development and wider area feel safe and accessible to all.
- The development should provide a range of activities and uses that are representative of the community, particularly younger and older people.
- Keeping Morrisons open throughout the redevelopment is vital
For more information on our activities and feedback received, please see our feedback summary document here.
We would like to thank all those who attended our consultation events in January and February and those who contributed their feedback.
Please get in touch with us via the contact details below if you have any questions by emailing the team at or calling us on 0800 368 7363.
You can also find regular project updates and see what we’ve been up to in the local community on our Instagram page – @theayleshamcommunityhub