The Berkeley team are delighted to be working closely with young Southwark residents introducing various career and apprenticeship opportunities within the Built Environment sector.
Supporting local young people has been a key priority for the team from the outset and we have engaged with the community about this beyond our consultation process.
Built Environment Day with Southwark Care Leavers
We recently held a Built Environment Day with Southwark Care Leavers between the ages of 18 and 25, at the Aylesham Community Hub.
The event aimed to introduce the various career opportunities within the Built Environment sector. The day consisted of:
- A team breakfast providing an overview of the Aylesham Centre project – led by Berkeley Homes’ Senior Development Manager and the Aylesham, Peckham’s design team.
- A walking tour where attendees were able to share their thoughts on the future offer of the Aylesham Centre redevelopment.
- A speed networking session with the design team to understand the young residents’ aspirations for the future.
- We even had time for lunch courtesy of The Colonel (aka KFC)!
We would like to thank those who participated and shared their knowledge with our visitors. Events like these allow us the opportunity to inspire the next generation into built environment careers.
We are now working with the group of Southwark Care Leavers to see how we can support them into work experience within our business and our wider supply chain and look forward to giving these young people a flavour of our industry.

Berkeley in the local community – employment opportunities
At Berkeley, our aim is to create employment opportunities that benefit the local community.
The Berkeley Homes Apprenticeship Programme finds individuals who have the drive, motivation and desire to succeed and gives them the opportunity and support to do so. The scheme focuses on the individual, with pastoral care and support to help each apprentice through the programme and onwards into employment.
Through our engagement with the London Neighbourhood Scholarship, we have committed to supporting a local person through their architecture degree, offering financial support over 3 years from 2024. We also have a wide range of work experience placements available for local people to help inspire them to take up careers in the industry.
Working with Southwark Skills Centre and Southwark Works, we are committed to ensuring local people are able to access the right training, skills and job opportunities to improve their career prospects; helping them secure long-term, aspirational employment.
Get involved
You’re welcome to stop by our Consultation Hub (Unit 15A of the Aylesham Centre) on Tuesdays (1pm-5pm) and Fridays (9am-1pm). We hope to see you soon!
Alternatively, please do get in touch via the contact details below if you have any questions/comments.
📞 0800 368 7363