Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into architecture.
I’m originally from Essen, in Germany. I moved to London 14 years ago – it’s an amazing place and has really become home for my family and me.
As for how I got into architecture – the thing I really appreciate after years of study and work is that it’s such a broad profession and you can find something that matches your interests and skills along the way.
How have you found the walk and talk sessions with local people so far?
I’ve really enjoyed hearing different views and perspectives from people who know and love Peckham. The conversations have given us a lot to think about as we continue with our early work and bringing these thoughts and ideas to life.
What is the design team working on at the moment?
We’re still very much in the learning phase – listening to feedback from the community on what makes Peckham unique and understanding local needs.
At the moment, we are mapping and analysing the existing uses and exploring opportunities for connections and improvements to public spaces – taking on board what we have been seeing and hearing on our walk and talks.
My first focus for the design will be on understanding the context and edges of the site and how to develop a design from these existing characters.
What are you most looking forward to on the project?
I’m excited to see the physical changes that we can make to positively contribute to Peckham – with feedback from local people influencing how our ideas evolve and designing great homes, places to work and shop for the community. I like trees and gardens, and this will help transform the site.

Get involved
If you would be interested in meeting members of the design team on a walk and talk session in the future, please do get in touch with the team via the details below.
You’re also welcome to stop by our Consultation Hub (Unit 15A of the Aylesham Centre) on Tuesdays (1pm-5pm) and Fridays (9am-1pm). We hope to see you soon!
📞 0800 368 7363