We value all of your contributions and are currently reviewing all responses received. Your feedback is helping to shape the vision for the future of the Aylesham Centre and we will continue to provide many more opportunities for you to share your views on our emerging designs throughout the coming months. A full report outlining your feedback so far will be published on our website later this month.

We are really pleased to have welcomed 297 of you to our in-person events and online webinar and received 305 responses to our survey on the proposed masterplan. We are keen to understand what the community would like to see incorporated into the development and these responses will help inform our plans.

Next steps
If you were not able to attend one of our events, you can view our exhibition materials on our website here. Furthermore, a recording of the online webinar held on 5th January can be found here.
A report summarising feedback from our third phase of consultation will be shared on the website later this month (you can find a interim report of the feedback received from before the New Year here). We will also be using this information and feedback to help guide our future consultation which will take place in the coming months. As part of this, we will be undertaking further in-person activities, hosting more public exhibitions and regularly updating the website with blogs.
You are also very welcome to visit the team at the Hub – which remains open on Tuesdays, from 1pm – 5pm and Fridays, from 9am-1pm (with some Saturday openings advertised in newsletters, e-newsletters and online).
In the meantime, if you would like any further information on how you can get involved with the consultation process, please get in touch using the contact details below.
📧 hello@theayleshamcentre.community
📞 0800 368 7363